tholaya pora ellarukkum....

10:51 AM / Posted by cutefreaky /

For past few days, life has been little busy. I have learnt to smile forgetting all my worries.... realised how much I get to lose simply worrying than trying to straighten things up..

well am in a phase of life.. when I would like to play SHIP-WRECK...and still cant think of any reason to justify my claim on the life

Ippo thaan konjam friends gang form aana mathiri irukku...adhukkula i have to leave my current job.... well.. y does this always happen to me?? Losing friends is something not very easy for me... I hate it everytime this happens to me....

It is tough to bug those new friends through phone call or email when you are not very close to them.. at the same time.. u dont want to lose them forever.........

I dont know whether I added this in my TAG 7 but everytime i lose a friend I would like to pray to god... please make my memory RAM.... so that I can start and cont my life afresh without feeling that am missing them....



Comment by Adaengappa !! on 11:58 AM

Take life as it comes..Carry the memory along..No matter the distance,friends will never be apart...

Keep in touch !!
Cheers !!


Comment by cutefreaky on 3:58 PM

Adengappa.....memories are smtime the worst which torment you :-)

long way to make lot mre frnds... :-)

Comment by awakeningcoma on 11:09 PM

now its our turn to say ur words.
sukku i pray to god to sole ur problem,yep i got 2 answers

Selective Amnesia or Short time memory loss.
hey hey adikathey.appuram aluthuruven ;-(

Comment by Jeevan on 3:41 AM

I got many blog friends in a recent time, now i cant imagine a life with out Blog. The only thing in the world we cant forget is Friends.

Comment by Bhavesh on 5:36 AM

Hey this is something i found somewhere..makes a world of sense..

When you meet a stranger, make friends. Remember, your friends were all strangers when your first met them.

Comment by cutefreaky on 7:04 AM

@ awakening soln....
@ jeevan : having friends n not being able to be or communicate with them cos of ur different lives... is kind of worse thing to go thru....anyways am happy u r having lots of frnds.. hope that includes me too
@ just me : makes sense but when someone tells me this statement to start a new friendship.. i would jus back off... (has happ a couple of


Comment by Jeevan on 8:53 AM

Thanks sukanya.

Comment by Sriram on 2:16 PM

You talking about RAM? be happy since you have some kind of memory... me has hard-drive error a LOT of times .. thinking about it, it does help in a lot of ways ;).. Waiiit... i was having a point and i was going to make it... dammit!! I forgot (honestly! I ain't kidding!).. will drop back if/when i remember what it is. Cheers in the meanwhile.. Peace!

Comment by Narayanan Venkitu on 2:29 PM

I understand your thoughts Sukku. Life has to go on.!! I am sure you'll find new friends in your life.!! And it is not that difficult I guess, to stay in touch with the ex-friends regardless of where you work.!

Comment by cutefreaky on 7:04 PM

@ sriram... lol.... will wait for u to remem...
-----------------------------------@ VEnkitu sir, welcome to my blog. Im sure i will but when u really want to keep in touch with some new friends whom u are not close enuf... i mean when u just cant start a communication with "no reason" ... and u are forced to lose them.. its tough... moves on.... matter of a few months and memories for life time...

Comment by expertdabbler on 7:40 PM


my friend has a train journey and station analogy regarding life and friends.

this life and friendship is one mega scale rayil snegam.

some travel with you throughtout the journey. some come in, make friends and then get down in the next station. life goes on. with their memories...

Comment by cutefreaky on 5:44 AM

@ prabhu : heard this a million times.. but u know what... I once remem that faceless co-traveller whom I wish to meet even now....just to tell him.... how cute he

Comment by Random Access on 8:54 AM "Random Access" Memory sure serves me well ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

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